
Our SSL certificates are trusted by 99.6% of browsers, that's more than Let's Encrypt!

Free forever

Never pay for SSL again! You can easily renew your free SSL after it expires, unlimited times.

Fast & Easy

Setting up your free SSL requires minimal effort and is done within less than 10 minutes.


Please read below to answer common questions about Gilect SSL

What websites can I use this on?

You can use Gilect SSL on any domain (or free subdomain) that you own on any host that supports SSLs. If you need a free host, you can use Gilect.

How is SSL validated?

In order to prove that you own the domain, you have to verify it. SSLs are validated via CName records in order to provide a quick proccess.

How long is the SSL free for?

Gilect's SSLs are free forever! You can renew it after it expires as many times as you want, without ever having to pay.

When does the SSL expire?

Gilect's SSLs last for three months before they expire. You can renew them as many times as you want.

How can you renew the certificate?

You can renew the SSL in the client area. If you want automatic renewals, we partnered with iFastNet to provide cheap hosting with automatic SSL.

I want to get started!

That's great! You can sign up for Gilect Central to start creating your SSL certificates! No credit card required!

Start getting free SSL today!