Contact Us

Contact Us

If you have any business inquires to make, you can email us: [email protected]. For ways to get support or report abuse of a website, please read below, thank you!

I need support for my free hosting account

Because we are a free service, we don't offer live 1 on 1 support. However, there are still many ways to get help. If you need more answers, please take a look at our knowledgebase, found at

There are a few exeptions to this. If the knowledgebase does not contain the answer to the issue or you believe that you encountered a bug or error, feel free to email us.

To report abuse

If you find any website that violates our terms of service, please let us know, so we can take the website down. We specifically don't allow phishing, nulled scripts, malware, pornographic content, copyrighted content, illegal content, etc. All abuse reports are read by our partner, iFastNet. Please send all abuse reports to them at: [email protected].

My (sub)domain is suspended!

If your domain is redirecting to, then you are most likely suspended. There are multiple issues that may have caused this. Most likely, you were temporarily suspended for reaching the limits and your website will be back live soon! We recommend reading this article for more information.

I need support for my premium plan

Premium is a service provided by iFastNet. You can contact their support at for help or pre-sales.

I want to upgrade to premium

Thank you for your interest. You can upgrade via the CPanel, the upgrade page, or through iFastNet's website. iFastNet is the provider of premium hosting. If you need help migrating your website to premium, please contact IFastnet at their support portal:

I need 1on1 support

If something's wrong and the knowledgebase isn't answering your problems, then you might be best off upgrading to premium. Premium offers 24x7 support for whatever problems you may have, and they can easily migrate your site.